Friday, September 9, 2011

Would you pay $1 to put the Hawkeyes in the endzone?

Then why not $1 for the kids at UI Children's Hospital for every touchdown the Hawks score?

At every game watch this season we'll pass out forms for you to pledge at least $1 for Iowa Touchdowns For Kids. We'll gather the forms after the 3rd quarter and mail them in for you. We'll also keep track of the total dollars pledged by the WWIC. Last year Iowa scored 45 touchdowns; with over 1,300 pledges and more than 30 sponsors, Iowa Touchdowns for Kids raised nearly $180,000 for UI Children's Hospital.

Click here for more info or to send in a pledge form on your own: If you do, make sure to note that you're with the Western Washington Iowa Club.

Thanks - GO HAWKS! (ya know, for the kids)
